1450 Shaire Center Drive, Lenoir, North Carolina 28645
Ph: 828-728-HOPE (4673)
Fax: 828-728-0878

Join our team
Shaire Center Assisted Living
Shaire Assisted Living is seeking qualified personnel. Our staffing needs change and not all positions are available at all times.
We have positions in the following departments:
Environmental Services (Housekeeping)
Dietary (Cooks and Dietary Aides)
Activity Assistants
Personal Care Aides (PCA's)
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA's)
Shaire Rehabilitation & Skilled Nursing
Shaire Rehab is seeking qualified personnel. Our staffing needs change and not all positions are available at all times.
We have positions in the following departments:
Registered Nurse's (RN's)
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Certified Nursing Assistants (CNA's)
Dietary (Cooks and Dietary Aides)
Activity Assistants
Environmental Services (Housekeeping)
Physical Therapists (PT)
Occupational Therapists(OT)
Licensed Physical Therapy Assistant (LPTA)
Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA)
If you are interested in a rewarding career in one of our open positions, please come by Shaire Center located at 1450 Shaire Center Dr Lenoir, NC 28645 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday to fill out an application or call the facility at 828-728-6500 to check on available job opportunities.
You can download an application from here and print it out to bring with you or save it to your computer after completion and email it to: shairecenter@gmail.com